Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Arie is hereeeee

Since when you got a crush on Sam Oh? I thought you so proud said on your blog that you've never crushed on him before!! Wasn't it Paul the last time I asked?!
Gosh I'm so BEHINDDDDDD...

Ya we used to have a blogspot...I signed up for it in my first year that I arrived in NZ...didn't know how to use it at ALL! Then we had the foureyeballs one which I learnt all about Joni's Josh Hartnett lookalike from. And I told you guys all about Sang on it as well =D Which means it was DAMN LONG AGO. I don't understand it still though. How come we had to go through a damn long process to sign up to wordpress all...and then suddenly we still have a blog that's at blogspot? Oh the confusing world of blogs. I still sokong Wallop, my dear sweet Wallop. *sulk*

But that's closed now so ya.

Eeyer if we all have to stick to one colour then we cannot colourify certain paragraphs. Wait how do I choose colour?


Hehe. Yay! I dunno whether got much to say. I actually have alot of stuff on my mind, but it's not nice gossipy stuff, because my life is so boring now. Sex life also non-existent, we're like an old married couple now that we live together -_- Mostly it's jsut geramness about uni, about life, about my sickness and about my knee which still bloody hurts. Damn bloody Indian bastard who is going to burrrrnnnnn in HELLLLLL.....*ahem*

Good morning btw. The time now is 9:08 am. Temperature, a crisp 22 degrees with clear skies promised all day in the central Auckland region. Notherly winds are expected so hold on to your hats people!

OoOoHhH I should be a weather woman.

AHhahahah d'ng. (As Joni would say)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Oh where oh where has our ariee-lle gone oh where oh where can she beeeee

did sarah invite arie here?where's arieeeee
are we getting a new blog or what
can we use wordpress with its password protect function pls?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

ya isnt our admin board SO active.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


so happening this blog.

hah hah hah...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

No i think it's a private blog, so they can't enter.


although, actually it says at the bottom who wrote the post..but ya..
chatbox pls! or is there a way to add admin members? make us all admin la, if can..

my sister is THIRTEEENNNNNNN my goodness
isn't she sweet in this pic


A secret blog.


So... let's shares secrets... hmmmm...

Eh, CHUP! Won't this appear on our list of blogs when people click on our blogger profiles?

Okay, to show who writes what... Let's go by colours. I'm GREEN. ahahahahahah...

So i will always write in Green. Now the 3 of you can proceed in choosing your own.


Joni says.

only now i remember that we HAD a blogspot last time right? i have no clue what the add or password is!! goodness...

first of all admin needs to put a chatbox! i'd do it, but im not admin so i dont have the permission to do so..


yay for the blog.


Yay a new blog. Haha... I have decided to just put this up because there are too many things that could be said that can't be said on our personal blogs. So hey... why not here?

And I don't keep in touch with Arielle anymore. So I'm hoping this'll help somewhat.. *hint hint* hehe. I PROMISE to update here... and not leave it stagnent like last time. You all also must arr!

Be devoted to the foursome blog people!
